Jeryl Cunningham Fleming
Jeryl Cunningham Fleming’s vocal artistry has been heard in more than 10 countries and on four continents. Her versatile and vibrant voice, paired with her fervent advocacy of African American music, makes her a favored soloist for leading ensembles, including the Boys Choir of Harlem and the American Spiritual Ensemble, and prestigious venues, including the United Nations and Lincoln Center. Cunningham Fleming’s repertoire encompasses opera, oratorio, choral masterworks, jazz, and art song. But, interpretation of the African American spiritual is a high point of her artistry, drawing on her rich heritage. Cunning ham Fleming is a regular soloist and Assistant Director with the American Spiritual Ensemble that performs classic spirituals, opera, jazz, and Broadway tunes highlighting the black experience in concerts in the United States, Europe, and South America.
CSOT Debut- 2019
Music by Black American Composers